A project created with care and attention to detail, by players — for players. For over a year, a team of enthusiasts has been working on this project so that everyone can experience something unique and share it with other fans of military history and technology. Here, every detail matters, and most importantly — the spirit of a real community.
Dynamic front line. The front line changes depending on players' actions. Every successful action alters the situation on the front: successful attacks or defenses create new strategic opportunities. This is not just a game — it is living history that you write yourself.
Encirclement Tactics. Creating "pockets" is one of the key elements. By cutting the enemy off from supplies, you can drastically shift the balance of power. Capturing airfields or other strategic points weakens the enemy, making further offensives easier and more effective.
Economy as a Living Organism. The project's economic system is meticulously designed. Every resource, whether fuel, ammunition, or provisions, is limited, and its use directly impacts military operations. Factories play a key role by producing the supplies necessary to sustain the front line. Destroying such facilities weakens the enemy, reducing their capacity for defense and offense. Logistics is an integral part of strategy: successfully delivering resources via ground and air supply routes can be the decisive factor in battle.
Ground and Air Logistics. It’s not only transport aviation that plays a vital role in delivering resources to forward positions. Ground transportation — truck convoys and trains — supplies garrisons with fuel, ammunition, and provisions. Disrupting supplies, such as by destroying transportation routes, directly affects the combat effectiveness of both ground and air forces.
Destroyed Cities as a Factor of War. Every destroyed building reduces garrison combat effectiveness. City infrastructure is not just a backdrop but a crucial part of gameplay. Losing shelters makes the enemy more vulnerable.
Air and Ground as One. The project enables the management of both aviation and tanks. This opens up opportunities for combined operations, where success depends on the coordinated actions of air and ground forces.
The Full Atmosphere of War. The project impresses with its variety: missions take place under conditions close to reality. Morning fog, midday heat, or the glow of sunset add depth to the gameplay.
Interactive Map and Reward System. Every game is not just a battle but also a recognition of achievements. The real-time map helps coordinate actions, and rewards inspire new accomplishments.
This is not just a game; it’s a unique experience that unites players into a single community.